Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Micro-controller On Test Bench

Test setup of a micro-controller controlling a 3/4 inch sprinkler valve. A transister is used to detect the 5 volt signal and turn on the 12 volts for the valve. Although the valve is rated at 24 volts, the actual voltage at the valve after running 50 to 100 feet of wire to the valves will be lower than 24 volts. These valves functioned very well with 12 volts. The transister is rated for 30 volts, so if required, a different power supply (wall wart) could be changed out.

This setup functions well, I am adding additional devices to be controlled by the micro-controller:

  • Additional valves - plant watering, mist control

  • 3 volt fan - on when mist control valve is on

  • 12 volt fan for outside air when required.
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