Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Sell My Seashell Planters

August 15th we went to Kingman on the way to visit our son in Wyoming to deliver the seashell planters. The seashell planters with miniature African violets were sold before noon! So before we traveled through Hays on I-70, all of the African violets growing in self watering pots made from seashells were sold! I will need to find a source for large seashells if I hope to sell more of my miniature African violets.

The planters made fromlarge seashellsebook is the third one I have written and am selling online. The other two are Mini Desert Garden and Self Watering Pots. The Seashell Garden provides information and photographs for creating self watering pots so less time and effort are required to grow a very large number of small plants.

The Mini Desert Garden ebook explains how to grow succulent and cactus plants together in a container creating a desert plantscape.

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